plant kingdom


Unique feature:-multicellular ,eukaryotic,autotrophes,cell wall made up cellulose

Division:- 1.  Algae
  • first 3 divison as lower plants and 4,5 as higher plants


Nature:-found in fresh water ,brackish[less salty] and marine water cell wall composed of cellulose ,pectin,mannose,glactose ,and minerals like  calcium carbonate.
                           photoautotrophic in nature

Reproduction:-1.vegetative reproduction
I.Binary fission:-found only in  unicellular algae
II.Fragmentation:-All filamentous algae
         2.Asexual reproduction:-By different type of spore 
I.Zoo spore under favourable conditions 
II.Aplanospores,Hypnospore and akinetes:Under unfavourable condition
3.Sexual reproduction:The sex organ of algae are unicellular & non -jackethes. 
Exception :sex organ of chara (green algae)are multicellular  &jacketes  Male sex organ of chara is globules &female sex organ called nucule.                                  
*Plant body of algae is haploid &the sexual rep.takes place through zygoteic meiosis  so,their lifecycles is hypnotic.

**Exception :-Brown algae are diploid &sexual  rep.through gametic  meiosis.that's why life cycle of brown algae is diplo -haplontic.

Embryo is not found in algae.

Sexual 3 method 

NOTES:-1.Pyrenoids :storage body of algae found in chloroplast  .
-made up of protein &starch.
    2.Hydrocollids :-collidal substances  obtained  from algae having high water holding capacity.
 Ex  (Algin ,carragen ,&Agar-agar)

Mainly based on photosynthetic  pigment ,cell wall composition &stored food
   Algae are classified  into 3 groups

  1.Chlorophyta(green algae)
   2.phaeophyta (brown  algae)
   3. Rodophyta   (red algae)


•All are green in colour
•Most advanced  algae
•Cosmopaliton (present in all place)in nature.

Different  form of green algae:-
●Chlamydomonas -motile algae
●Chlorella-non mobile algae.

2 Colonial algae:-means these algae lives in colony
EX:-volvox(motile algae)&their  colony called coenobium.

3 Multicellular  filamentous:Mostly algae are found in multicellular  filamentous 
ex:-Ulothrix & spirogyra.

4.Multicelluar thalloids or Parenchymantous
Some algae are multicellular in length & breadth.Ex-Ulva(sea lettuce)

•Photosynthesis pigment:- chlorophyll a& b cartoein & Xynthophlles.

•Stored food:- Starch and oil droplets.

•On the Basis pigment,stored food & cell wall ,green algae are similar to higher plants. 

(Brown algae,sea weeds,&kelp) 
•Brown algae are found in Marie water & filamentous in nature.
•They are the largest algae (100m).
•Largest brown algae (macrocystis)
•Thallus of brown algae divided into 3 parts.
•Due to lamina and stipe brown algae look like leaf (leafy algae)
•Cell wall:-The vegetative cell has a cellulosic wall usely covered with a glatenious coating of algin.

•Pigment:-Chlorophyll A,carotenoid,xanthophyll(fucoxanthin) more is brown algae due to which these algae are brown in colour.
•Store food:-Mannitol,Laminarin 

Special name:-●Ectocarpus(simple and ●Filamentous )

Red Algae known as ancient algae found in marine with greater conc. in warmer area                      ·         Multicellular and filamentous
·         Cilia and flagella aer absent
CELL WALL:Comlex and made up of cellulose, pectins,also xylose and glactose[polysulphate ester]
Pigments:Chloro.a,d carotenoids, pycoerytherin  & rphyocynin.
     ·   On the basis of its pigment red algae is similar to BGA.
           ·   Colour of red algae changes depth in sea .This is called gavdikav’s effect 
  • When red algae are present on the surface of the sea then their colour is blue & when they are at the bottom their colour is red
  • At the surface of the sea the amount of r  -phycocynin is more while in the depth the amount of phycoerythnin is more.
  • phycoerythnin is only pigment to absorb ultra violet ray. due to r phycoerthnin red algae are deepest algae 
  • gardikav's effect is also found in blue-green  algae.

store food:-

floredian starch 

1.VEGETATIVE REP.:-by fragmentation 
2.ASEXUAL REP.:-non-motile,by spore formation 
3.SEXUAL REP.:- by oogamus

note:-female sex organ are called carpogonia
2.male sex organ called sepermata cycle of polysphonia is diplo-haplontic
Exception:-Bacterospermum is haplodiplontic


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  3. Wow great biological science knowledge..keep it up

  4. Very informative thanks for sharing

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  6. Great knowledge and amazing research. Very useful for everyone. Keep posting

  7. Very informative and useful content. Keep posting and thanks for sharing


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