Biological Classification


(1.) Aristotle:-Father of biology & Father of zoology. He classified animals  into two group
                   I.Red blood animals 
              II.Non-red blood animals
     (A)Time - 370 - 285 B.C.
       (B)He is known father of ancient (very old) plant taxonomy and Father of botany.
       (C)Theophrastus wrote many book on plant.His first book is historia plantarum(First book of botany)
       (D)Theophrastus proposed the classification of plant kingdom. He classified plant kingdom into four groups on the basis of growth habit-
           (3)Under shrubs
(3)Carolus Linnaeus 
         (A)His real name was -Carl  Von Linne
         (B)On the basis of work in Latin language he changed his name as Carlous Linnaeus 
         (C)He is known as father of taxonomy binomial system and classification science
          (D)Linnaeus gave the Two kingdom Classification. He grouped plants and animals into   kingdom Plants and kingdom animalia representative
(4)George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker
      (A)Both Bentham and Hooker are related to Royal botanical garden
         (B)Scientist working in botanical garden are known as curator
         (C)They wrote the book "Genera plantarum"
               In this book ,Bentham and Hooker gave the biggest and natural classification of spermatophyta i.e. seeded plants 

Merits of Bentham and Hooker classification:-
(1)The classification of Bentham and Hooker was natural
(2)The classification of Bentham and Hooker was mainly based on the floral characters 
(3)It is the simplest classification because this classification is based on actual  observation 

demerits of Bentham and Hooker
   In this classification the phylogany of plants is not considered,because in it,gymnosperms are placed in between dicots and monocots.The sequence of evolution is as fallows:-

(5)A.W. Eichler
     "syllabus de vorlesungen uber phanerogamen kinde" -Book written by Eichler 
       In the book, Eichler gave the first phylogenetic classification of the plant kingdom.     

  • In the way Eichler classified plant kingdom into five division and arranged them in the order of evolution (Phylogeny) as:-
(6)Oswald Tippo:-

(A)He proposed the biggest phylogenetic classification of the plant kingdom.
(B)This classification is the complete classification of the plant kingdom.

(7)R.H. Whittaker (1969)
R.H. Whittaker (1969) proposed a five kingdom classification. The kingdoms definrd by him were named as Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. The main criteria used by him for making classification are:-
(i) Cell structure (complexity of cell)
(ii)Thallus organisation (complexity of organism)
(iii)Mode of nutrition
(v)Phylogenetic relationship

                                                           Five Kingdom
1. Morena:-All the prokaryotes (Eubacteria, Rickettsia Actionomycetes, BGA, Archaebacteria, Mycoplasma
2.Protista:-All the unicellular euksaryotes (Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, euglenoids, Slime moulds and Protozoans
3.Mycota:-True fungi
4.Plantae:-All the multicellular plants-Algae,Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm, Angiosperm
5.Animalia:-All the multicellular animals
       NOTE:-In five kingdom classification virus, viroid and lichens are not mentioned.
(8)Carl Woese
He gave three domain these three domain 6 kingdoms are included. He suggested separate kingdom for Archaebacteria

Golden Key Points
1.Theophrastus classified plant kingdom in to four group on the basis of growth habit
2.Theophrastus proposed the term of annual, biennial and perennials
3.Linnaeus proposed two kingdom classification
4.Classification given by Linnaeus is artificial
5.A.P. de Candolle suggested significance of vascular tissue in taxonomy

6.classification proposed by Benthem and Hooker is natural
7.Eichler gave the first phylogenetic classification of plant kingdom
8.Osward tippo proposed the biggest phytogenetic classification of plant kingdom
9.Haeckel gave the three kingdom (Protista, Plantae and Animalia) classification


  1. That's a great description of the biological classification.very informative and very much useful.for the students.
    Thank you for sharing...
    Hats off.

  2. Really informative. Students can easily make their notes from this

  3. Very informative and useful content. Keep posting and thanks for sharing


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