Phylum > 1) Porifera
- Members are commonly called sponges.
- Generally marine but few occurs in fresh water. Spongilla
- Asymmetrical and having cellular level of organisation.
- Sponges have a water transport or water canal system.
- In this system water enters through minute pores called ostia in the in the body wall into a central cavity (Spongocoel) from, where it goes out through osculum.
- The water canal are lined by choanocytes ( collar cell ).
- Food gathering, repiratory exchange and removeal of wastes occurs throygh canal system.
- Digestion is intracellular.
- The body is supported by skeletal made up of spiculles or spongin fibres.
- Animal are hermaphrodite ( bisexual )
- Fertilisation is natural and development in indirect (means have larval stage which is distinct from adult stage.)
2). Euspogia- ( Bath sponge )
3) Spongilla - ( fresh water sponge. )
Note:- Just behind the chonanocytic layer ameboid cell is present which help indigestion.
Phylum > 2) Coelenterata ( Cnideria)
- Generally marine and a few are fresh water forms.
- Radially symmetrical, diploblastic and have tissue level of organisation.
- The name cenideria is derived from the cnidoblast or cinndocytes ( which contain stinging capsules or nematocystes ) present on the tentacles and the body.
- cnidoblast are used for anchorage ( means supporting ) , defence and for captures of prey.
- Having central gastro-vascular cavity with a single opening called hypostome.
- Digestion is extra-cellular and intracellular. Some cnideraians ( corals ) have a skeletal composed of caco3.
- Coelentrate exhibits two basis body form ( dimorphic) called polyps and medusa.
- Those cnidarian which exist in both form exhibit alternation of generation (metagenesis) I.e polyp produce medusa asexually and medusa form polyp sexually. E.x- Obelia, Physalia
- Respriration and excretion takes place by diffusion of gases through body surface.
- Aminotalic- (means excertory product is in the form of NH3).
2. Adamsia ( sea anemone )
3. Pennatula ( sea-pen ).
4. Gorgonia (sea-fan )
5. Meandrina ( brain coral )
Phylum > 3)Ctenophora
- They are commonly called sea walnuts or comb jellies. and exclusively marine.
- Diploblastic with tissue level of organisation having radial symmetry.
- Body has 8 external rows of cilliated comb plates for locomotion.
- Animals are carnivores.
- Biolumensence is well marked in ctenophora.
- Special types of cell are present called (assocell. (colloblast) help in catching the prey.
- Hermaphrodite and body sexual reproduction is found.
- Fertilisatin is internal with indirect development.
Phylum > 4) Platyhelminthes
- Commonly called flatworm due to their dorsiventrally flattened body.
- Mostly endoparasite found in animals including human beings, some forms are free living (Planaria)
- Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblast and coelomate.
- Parasitic form have hook and sockets, some of them absorb nutrients form the host directly through their body surface.
- Digestive track is incomplete. (without anus.)
- Specialized cell called flame cells or solenosite help in osmo osmoregulation and excretion.
- Hermaphrodites, fertilisation is internal with indirect development
- Nerve systems contain nerve ring nerve comb and pheripheral nerve (bladder like.)
- Planaria posses high regeneration capacity.
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