All the bryophyte includes in this class are liver like.
E.X:- Marchantia of flat [Riccisa] so they known as liver like.

  • Plants body is thallus like and dorsivental.
  • Rhizoids and scales are present on thallus. where Rhizoids are unicellular  and unbranched and scales are multicellular.
  • Sporophyte of liver worts are completely depends on gametophyte for food, water and nutrients.
  • Sporophytes are made up of foot, seta and capsule. 
  • Exception:- Ricssia have only capsule. In Marchantia elaters are present 
The liverworts grow usually in moist. Shady habitats such as banks of stream. Marshy ground, damp soil, bark of trees and deep in the woods. The plant body of a liverworts is thallus e.g., Marchantia. The thallus is dorsivental and closely appressed to the substrate. The leafy members have tiny leaf-like appendages in two rows on the stem like structures. Asexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by fragmentation of thalli, or by the formation of specialized structure called Gemmae (sing. gamma). Gammae are green, multicellular, asexual buds,which develop in small receptacles called gamma cup located on the thalli. The Gammae become detaches from the parent body and germinate to form new individuals. During sexual reproduction, male and female sex organs are produced either on the same on different thalli. The sporophyte is differentiated into a floor, seta and capsule.

What is elaters
Elaters are hyproscopic and they help in dispersal of spores
NOTE:- In bryophyte sporophyte of ricssia simples + (as made up of only capsule)
Asexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by fragmentation of thallus or by the formation of specialized structure called Gemmae 
Gammae are green multicellular, asexual bud, which develops in small receptacles called gammae cup located on the thalli
The Gammae become detaches from the parent and germinate to form new individual.
E.x. Marchantia

  • During sexual reproduction male or female are produced on some (ricssia) or on other thallus (Marchantia)
ANTHOCEROTOPSIDA (Horn worts) Thallus like st.

  • Rhizoids are present but scale are absent.
  • Rhizoids are unicellular & branched 
  • Sporophyte divide into foot & capsule. (Seta absent)
  • Sporophytes do not completely dependent on its gametophyte (I.e. it is semi-parasitic) because it's sporophyte is photosynthetic so it depend onn gametophyte only for water and habitat. E.x:-Anthoceros.

  • All the mosses are included in this class 
  • Plants body is made up of Rhizoids,  stem  like and leaf like st.
  • Rhizoids are multicellular and branched having obligesepta.
  • Sporophyte of mosses is also semi-parasitic
  • Sporophyte is divided into:-
  1. Foot
  2. Seta
  3. Capsule
  • Capsule of mosses have green cell for photosynthetic and stomata for gases exchange. 
  • It also has peristomial teeth for releasing of spore (All mosses) e.x:- Funaria, polytrichum, Sphageom (carpet mosses or peat mosses) 
  • Peats mosses:-
It is a fossil fuel that obtain from bog.
Economic Importance:- Sphageom:- Absorption of coitty.



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