
  • Commonly called Roundworm because their body is circular in cross-section and tapering at both and without segmentation. 
  • May be free-living, aquatic, terrestrial or parasitic in plant and animals.
  • Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblasticor pseudocoelomate.
  • Alimentary canal is complete and different into mouth, well developed muscular pharynx, intestine and anus.
  • Organ system level organisation and having tube within tube plan.
  • An excretory tube remove the waste from the body cavity through excretory pores.
  • Excretory system is made up of 'H- shaped' remote cell or protonefridia.
  • Male and female are separate show dimorphagirm
  • Fertilisation is internal and development is direct or indirect 
E.x. Ascaris (Round worm)
2. Wuchereri (filariasis worm)
3. Ancylostama (hookerworm)

Phylum> Annelida

  • Animals are commonly called Annelida, as their body surface is distinctly marked into ring like segments or metameres.
  • May be aquatic or terrestrial, free-living and sometime parasitic.
  • Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and ceoleomate and have organ system level of organisation.
  • They show metameric segmentation,where body externally and internally divided into segment with serial repetitions of at least some organ.
  • They have longitudinal and circular muscles which help in locomotion.
  • Aquatic form (Nereis) have lateral appendages called paropodia for swimming.
  • Closed circulatory system with some vessels acting as pumping hearts. 
  • Nepridia are the organ of excretion or osmaregulation.
  • Nerves system consists of paired ganglia connected by double ventral nerve cord.
  • They may be Hermaphrodite.
  • Fertilisation is internal and development is direct or indirect. 
E.X:- Nereis, Pheretoma (Earthworm) and Hirudinaria (Blood sucking leach.)

Phylum> Arthopoda

  • Largest phylum of kingdom Aniamelia.
  • The animals have jointed appendages Artho= jointed and poda= legs) hence called Arthopoda.
  • have organ system level if organisation.
  • Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, segmented, ceolomate animals.
  •  Body consist of Head, thorax, and abdomen and is covered by chitaneous exoskeletion.
  • Respiratory organ are gills, book lungs, book gills, and tracheal hemocel.
  • Circulatory system is open types, the blood hemolymph flow through hemocels.
  • Nerves system consists of segmentation gengilla double ventrals nerve cord.
  • Sensory organ include anteennae, eyes, statocysts or (balancing organ are present).
Note- 1) Hemocels:-  Body cavity around visra ( internal organ) contain blood. Blood flow hemocels instead of Blood vessels.
2) Hemolymph:- It is cdourless blood. ( Insert.)
  • They are unisexual (diocious)- Male and female seprated.
  • Fertilisation is internal and development may be direct or indirect.
1.Apis(Honey bee)
3.Laccifer(Lac insect)

Vector:-Anopheles,culled & Aedes (Mosquitoes).
Gregarious pest :-Locusta (Locust)
Living fossil:-Limulus (king crab.)

3. Hemocyanin:- Copper containing pigment present in few member (prown)

Phulylum> Mollusca

  • It 8s second largest phylum.
  • Molluscs are soft body animal, which are terrestrial or aquatic.
  • Bilateral symmetrical, triploblastic, ceolomate animal and having organ system level of organisation.
  • Body is divided into head, muscular foot. And visceral humps and is covered by calcerious shell.
  • A soft spongy layer of skin  forms a mantle over the visceral hump.
  • The space between the hump and the mantle called mantle cavity, which has feather like gells fo respiration and excretion. 
  • Circulatory system is open type.
  • Mouth contain are file like rasping organ for feeding called radial.
Study of Mollusca is Malocology and mollusc cell called colcology.
  • Blood has a copper containing blue respiration pigment hemocynin.
  • Excretory system included 1 to 2 pairs of sac like kidney which open into the mantle cavity.

